
Bill Gates skeptical of regulators breaking up tech giants

In a new interview with Bloomberg today, Microsoft co-founder an current board fellow member Bill Gates expressed skepticism toward the idea of breaking upwardly tech giants (via Engadget). Prompted by Bloomberg on his opinion of the U.S. government's recently initiated probes of Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple tree over antitrust concerns, Gates expressed his view that regulation is more often a better arroyo than potentially breaking upwards tech giants into separate companies.

"If at that place'southward a way a company's behaving that y'all desire to get rid of, then, you know, y'all should only say, okay, that's a banned behavior," Gates said. "Splitting the company in 2 and having ii people doing the bad thing, that doesn't seem like a solution."

Gates went on to say that it's a "pretty narrow set of things" to which he thinks breakups would be "the right answer to." When pressed on whether tech companies may be abusing their positions in relation to the economy, Gates touched on the regime's part in ensuring changes to tax rules. "The fact that the tax rules incent you lot to structure in a certain manner to minimize your taxes, people should look at if they want to modify that going forward," Gates said.

Touching on the perceived part of social media in fomenting radicalization on political extremes in recent years, Gates sees a role for regime to play in setting rules and regulations to assistance temper polarization. "I see these besides-meaning, highly innovative companies that information technology's up to order to make certain that their innovation doesn't accept negative side effects."

Gates is intimately familiar with antitrust investigations, every bit Microsoft was initially slated to be broken up afterward an antitrust instance brought past the U.S. Section of Justice. After Microsoft appealed that determination, the company reached a settlement with the government that prevented the company from being required to break up in exchange for meeting certain regulatory requirements.

While at the Federal level, the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice are still deciding whether to open up a full investigation into the four companies they're probing, l state attorneys full general recently launched their ain probe of Google.


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