
How Do Animals Die From Plastic Bags

This is an article from Curious Kids, a series for children. The Chat is asking kids to send in questions they'd similar an expert to answer. All questions are welcome – serious, weird or wacky! You lot might also like the podcast Imagine This, a co-production betwixt ABC KIDS heed and The Conversation, based on Curious Kids.

My name is Sanuki and I'chiliad 8 years former. I live in Melbourne. My question is how do plastic bags harm our environment and sea life? – Sanuki, age 8, Melbourne.

Good question, Sanuki!

Plastic bags harm marine (and country) environments in a few means.

Turtles (and other animals) may mistake plastic bags for food. Turtles like to eat jellyfish, and nosotros call up turtles consume the plastic bags considering they resemble jellyfish.

When turtles eat plastic, it tin can block their abdominal system (their guts). Therefore, they can no longer eat properly, which can kill them. The plastics in their stomach may also leak chemicals into the turtle. We don't know whether this causes long term problems for the turtle, just it's probably non good for them.

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How plastic impacts the ecosystems

Plastic bags can too smother corals and other seabed communities. When plastic bags end up in our oceans, animals (including seals, dolphins and seabirds) can become tangled upwardly in them. An animal with a plastic bag around its cervix will take problem moving through the water, catching its prey or feeding, and escaping predators.

Plastic can smother seabed and coral, impacting ecosystems. from

On land, plastic bags are an eyesore. They get stuck in trees, along fence lines, or every bit litter at our parks and beaches.

Many people don't realise that plastic bags can also cause flooding. Previously in Ghana (in West Africa), plastic numberless blocked storm water drains during a big rainstorm. This caused flooding so bad that people were killed.

Making plastic requires a lot of energy and work

Plastic bags can fifty-fifty be harmful before they are used. It takes a lot of resources and free energy to create a plastic bag. A fundamental ingredient is oil. As a fossil fuel, oil must be extracted from the basis. Practice we want to employ fossil fuel resources to make a product that is only used once (nosotros call this a "single use plastic")?

Many millions of barrels of oil are used to make plastic bags every yr. A lot of energy is too used to brand and transport plastic bags. It is better for the surround if we reduce our energy utilize.

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The push button towards plastic-free

Lately, lots of people recognise the impacts that plastic bags have, and they are working on alternatives. Many local and state governments have passed plastic handbag bans here in Australia, which helps stop the use of single employ plastic numberless.

In fact, New South Wales is the only state in Australia where you lot can still get sparse, unmarried apply plastic bags at the grocery store.

And then, remind your parents to bring their reusable material numberless whenever you go shopping. You lot simply might save a turtle.

Hullo, curious kids! Have yous got a question y'all'd like an good to respond? Ask an developed to send your question to us. They can:

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Please tell us your name, age and which urban center you live in. Y'all can send an audio recording of your question as well, if you want. Ship as many questions every bit you similar! We won't be able to answer every question just we will practice our best.


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