Desert Bighorn Living on the edge is a dandy survival strategy for avoiding predators! -
Coyote Constitute across the park, this canine is a master of many habitats. -
Invasive Burros Learn more virtually the burros that were introduced past miners and their impact to park springs and wild animals. Mammals Found in Death Valley Western pipistrelle bat NPS Photo BATS Desert kangaroo rat NPS photo Modest MAMMALS - Desert shrew
Notiosorex crawfordi Found in sagebrush; sometimes in masses of vegetation at the base of desert plants. - Panamint pocket gopher
Thomymus umbrinus scapterus Panamint and Grapevine Mountains. - Pygmy pocket gopher
Thomymus umbrinus oreocus Higher elevations in surrounding mountains;up to 10,000 anxiety on Telescope Peak. - Groovy basin pocket mouse
Perognathus parvus Grapevine Mountains. - Little pocket mouse
Perognathus longimembris Sage habitat at Harrisburg Flat. - Long-tailed pocket mouse
Perognathus formosus mohavensis Grapevine Mountains. - Desert pocket mouse
Perognathus penicillatus Mesquite Flat. - Chisel-toothed kangaroo rat
Dipodomys microps Harrisburg Flat in dry, sandy soil with thin vegetation. - Panamint kangaroo rat
Dipodomys panamintinus Northern Panamint Mountains betwixt 6000 and 7000 feet. - Merriam kangaroo rat
Dipodomys merriami Dry, sandy soil on the valley floor. - Desert kangaroo rat
Dipodomys deserti Dry locations on valley, especially around mesquite. - Western harvest mouse
Reithrodontomys megalotis Well watered areas; Table salt Creek, Furnace Creek, Hanaupah Coulee, Wildrose. - Cactus mouse
Peromyscus eremicus College elevations in Grapevine and Cottonwood Mountains. - Deer mouse
Peromyscus maniculatis Valley flooring and mountains. - Canyon mouse
Peromyscus crinitus Mountains and rocky canyons. - Castor mouse
Peromyscus boylii Northern Panamint Mountains. - Pinon mouse
Peromyscus truei Rocky areas in pinyon-juniper chugalug. - Southern grasshopper mouse
Onychomys torridus Throughout Death Vally below 5500 feet. - Desert woodrat
Neotoma lepida From common salt marshes into surrounding mountains. - Bushy-tailed woodrat
Neotoma cinerea Pinyon-juniper area of northern Panamint Mountains. - Firm mouse
Mus musculus In and effectually man dwellings. Whitetail antelope squirrel NPS photo SQUIRRELS - Panamint chipmunk
Eutamius panamintinus Pinyon-juniper chugalug of Panamint and Grapevine Mountains. - Whitetail antelope squirrel
Ammospermophilus leucurus Mesquite hummocks of valley floor to over 6000 feet in mountains; common forth roadsides. - California footing squirrel
Citellus beecheyi Hunter Mountain expanse of Cottonwood Mountains. - Roundtail ground squirrel
Citellus tereticaudus Low desert; mesquite thickets virtually Furnace Creek; common along roadsides. - Mojave basis squirrel
Citellus mohavensis Inhabits gentle slopes in Wingate Launder area. Desert cottontail NPS / Cookie Ballou MEDIUM MAMMALS - Mount cottontail
Sylvilagus nuttalli Surrounding mountains. - Desert cottontail
Sylvilagus audobonii Mesquite thickets on valley flooring. - Black-tailed jackrabbit
Lepus californicus Near valley floor and in mountains. - Porcupine
Erethizon dorsatum Grapevine, Panamint, and Cottonwood Mountains. Bobcat NPS photo CARNIVORES - Coyote
Canis latrans From salt flats into mountains; mutual around mesquite thickets. - Kit fox
Vulpes macrotis arsipus Nocturnal; common throughout most of Death Valley; Sand Dunes and Furnace Creek. - Grayness fox
Urocyon cinereoargenteus East side of Grapevine Mountains. - Badger
Taxidea taxus Low desert into mountains; Daylight Pass. - Spotted skunk
Spilogale gracilis Mountains surrounding Death Valley. - Ringtail
Bassariscus astutus Nocturnal; rocky terrain in arid brush and tree areas. - Mountain panthera leo
Puma concolor Surrounding mountains; occasional wintertime visitors to desert haven. - Bobcat
Lynx rufus From sea level into mountains. Desert bighorn sheep NPS photo HOOFED MAMMALS - Burro
Equus assinus (An introduced species) Introduced in the 1880'due south; Panamint, Cottonwood, and Grapevine Mountains. - Horse
Equus caballus (An introduced species) Introduced; Hunter Mount, Cottonwood Bowl, Pinto Peak, Grapevine Mountains. - Mule deer
Odocoileus hemionus Along eastern and western boundaries of the park in Panamint, Cottonwood, and Grapevine Mountains. - Desert bighorn sheep
Ovis canadensis nelsoni Throughout Decease Valley at all elevations; inaccessible ridges and canyons, usually near h2o. |
Terminal updated: Jan 17, 2021
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